Hello to you,
Hope you're all well. The weekend's just a day away everyone, and THEN... it's Rugby World Cup Final Day. Can't wait. Let's hope our boys do a little better than the footballers. I mean, really. Was that the best they could do? Sometimes they promise so much... before delivering less than a striking postman.
Anyway onto something a little more positive - our programme.
And when the bell goes they'll come out fighting over... boxing in schools. This evening a school in Bromley will stage the first inter-school boxing event in 60 years. Should it be allowed? Phil Bayles has been gauging people's opinions - and we'll be asking for yours.
As for the rest of the team -
Ronke Phillips put some questions to the Met Chief, Sir Ian Blair this afternoon. Not her questions but those of a mother who's son was murdered.
Piers Hopkirk tells the story of the man who assaulted Sir Alex Ferguson at Euston.
Lucy Cotter reports on a boy with prosthetic legs who has to miss out on some lessons at school because it's too exhausting for him to get to the classroom - on the first floor.
Glen Goodman went along to a really rather glitzy bash at Cartier on Bond Street last night - now the most expensive road to open a shop - in the world.
And Steve Hargrave will hopefully (they'd better not do a 'Kylie' on us) be speaking to Steve Buscemi and Sienna Miller about the London film festival.
Eh? Not a bad little line-up, is it?
Tune in at SIX and see if we can deliver a little better than our footballers...