Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.


London Tonight Tonight Monday 26th February

Hello, back from my holidays and raring to go..

We're kicking off the show tonight with the rather eerie story of a rogue baby monitor. Imagine, you get a special gizmo so you can keep an eye and ear on your new little bundle, only to discover that your neighbour can pick up pictures of your baby on THEIR monitor next door. And it seems the problem isn't a local one ... Phil Bayles investigates, and tells you what you can do about it.

Marcus has been to see a hip hop opera with the worthy intention of getting an anti gun message out to young kids in London .. Sounds a bit uncool until you meet the people doing it ..

Did you hear that Ken's planning to build 6 gateways into London? Big, showy monuments? Pieces of capital art, if you like? Well Simon Harris has had a few ideas, and we suspect you might too . .. We'll be asking for your thoughts.

There's a rather gruesome case of mistaken identity, with a body swap in a funeral parlour .. Kirsty Allsopp has filmed a special report for us about sealed bids, the new bidding technique becoming popular in London's crazy property market ... We're in Southend, hometown of Essex's new golden girl, Oscar Queen Helen Mirren, and, I don't believe it, actor Richard Wilson's in the studio with us too.

So see you at 6!

Katie and Willsy.