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LONDON TONIGHT: Thursday London 31st


We're topping off tonight with some comments by London Mayor Ken Livingstone about Trevor Phillips - he, of course, the head of the Commission for Racial Equality. Ken and he don't see eye to eye on multicultural issues - and you know Ken, he doesn't mince his words.

And what does your bin say about you? We're not talking hygiene - or even the personal documents you throw out with the trash... But rather a scheme that's creeping in slowly whereby councils are putting electronic chips in the bins - to monitor our waste.
Big brother gone mad? You tell us..

Piers has been inside the Primrose Hill squat that's ruffling feathers with the locals .. And strange goings on at Visit London.
At the start of today, they were talking about a celebration of "multicultural English" in Trafalgar Square tomorrow - it's even mentioned in one of today's tabloids. Now, though, they've scrapped the idea... We liked it though, so Glen's got everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about creps, yards and skets...

And you'll never believe where Chrissie is tonight - and she has a fantastic competition that you won't want to miss.

All will be revealed at 6... See you then.

A & K