Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.



Hello and welcome to another week of London Tonight.

Richard and Gloria Taylor are remarkable people: it was their son, Damilola, who was killed on a stairwell in Peckham six years ago.

They have displayed a quiet dignity throughout, despite the horror of what happened to their son and the faltering progress in bringing his killers to justice. They've put up with a lot. And today they heard their son's young killers had got 8 years, of which they will have to serve 4. And that might be it.
We've been talking to Richard and you can hear him at 6.

Right. Time for a break.

You go to a pub' or a wine bar or a restaurant and you know from June next year if you smoke .... Well, you can't anymore.

But you thought if your habit was strong enough you could step out onto the pavement and satisfy your craving. Not if Westminster have their way. Based on reports from Scotland that the celtic fringe gets a bit noisy when it steps out onto the pavement for a ciggie, Westminster say "not on our patch!" Alastair is not alone in being up in arms about it, though he and his crew are a declining gang.

But, more important than him ( "What!", screamed AS) we'd like to hear what you think: a ban too far or should the polluters be run out of the restaurants, off the pavement and into the Thames? (thats enough from the antis! Ed) We look forward to hearing from you at 6 and readings the best bits out at the end of the programme.

That'll be just after Gary Barlow tells Tamzin about his autobiography and the first single from Take That in about a decade.

We'll also sort out the competition we had a bit of a telecom-problem with last week: sorry about that. Chrissie will have the results with her weather forecast so whether you win or not will depend on you tuning in... See you then!