Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.


London Tonight Tonight Wednesday 18th April


Tales of traffic chaos today I'm afraid. If any of you are planning to use the Blackwall Tunnel tomorrow... Keep your fingers crossed. There were big tailbacks this morning as TFL thought they'd stop the contraflow in a bid to prevent accidents when drivers unwittingly find themselves heading into traffic in the wrong lane. Good intentions, we think... But of course the result today is chaos. We've been investigating...

Another triumph for people power... You may remember the locals in Hackney up in arms about a mobile phone mast being erected near to a park. Well, hold the front page.. But just this very afternoon T-Mobile have backed down and agreed to go back to consultation. Hooray! You see, it's always worth shouting to get heard... Glen's been following the story.

You may be planning a super cheap holiday in the States now that you can get 2 dollars for every pound... But how about our friends across the pond? Are they still going to come to visit us? Because, let's face it, tourism brings a lot of cash into our fair city. Well, the sun was shining, we were passing Buckingham Palace .. And we found a lovely family of American tourists. And we thought we'd show them what a great time you can have here without having to spend much money... Tune in to find out what they got up to!

Football fans will know there's a crunch match tonight between West Ham and Chelsea. There's a lot to play for on both sides... Will an Icelandic tenor make the difference for the Hammers?

Meanwhile Chrissy has been helping put fish to sleep - no, really...

So you better join me and Chris Rogers at 6 to find out more!

Katie x