Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.



Greetings from the London Tonight collective.

"From each according to his/her abilities, to each according to his/her needs" - and "nothing is too good for the working classes". Those old school Commies knew a thing or two and we have spared no effort to bring you an heroic programme, taxing all our efforts and meeting, we hope, all your needs. Ben has even been to the Mother Land, Russia, to report on how the Reds intend to take over London, well Trafalgar Square at least, with a feast of entertainment. Alastair thinks it will begin in Trafalgar Square and spread across the nation: leopards, especially Russian ones, he says, don't change their spots. Anyway, the first of three Scotchbrook Specials airs tonight.

Then a hero in anyone's country: the Oldest Copper in the Land: he works at the Houses of Parliament and he's so good they have let him stay beyond retirement age. The REALLY OLD Bill is with Phil tonight.

Talking of old age, what is best for a pensioners contentment? A garret, groaning with gadgets or a friendly face, popping in now and then? Liz has been to some flats designed to help our senior citizens with modern technology but, like many of us, has a soft spot for the friendly approach, too. Her thoughts at 6 and we will be asking for yours, too.

Think wedding cakes and you might think layer upon layer of marzipan, looking not unlike a church, or even a cathedral. Tonight we meet the man who hasn't made a wedding cake but has made a cake version of St. Paul's Cathedral. It is big, has stained glass windows and would certainly do your waist-line no good at all. But it is a joy to behold and you can behold it with Glen tonight.

On a serious note, Colin Stagg, who was cleared of the killing of Rachel Nickell on Wimbledon Common fourteen years ago but served a year in prison, is to receive damages from the Home Office - (not their day, week or year is it?)
Ronke has the details.

And, to lighten your evening, the ever glorious Victoria Wood on why she is taking Acorn Antiques on tour. The darling of stage, screen and cabaret is live in the studio with the two of us!

Chrissie on the weather and it is an offering we hope you will throng to like an invader horde.....at 6.

Alastair & Katie.