Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.



Hello and a very good afternoon to you all.

Full team here now Alastair is back from his holidays.

Two architectural stories that are miles apart but both fascinating:
First, we've the New York reconstruction of the London bombers flat which they are using for training purposes: why, then, don't the Met have one?
And we have the developers, designing obesity out of estates: a flat to make you fit! Now that makes sense even for Damien, who has the story.

Emma has the remarkable tale of the Billericay family who don't want their child to grow older or bigger. It involves hormone treatment and a lot of real moral dilemmas and pain. You won't want to miss it and we'll be asking for your e-mails, too.

Will Smith is in town and, naturally, has been talking to Tamzin.

And Glen has tracked down the Shetland pony who thinks he is a Labrador - and the labradors who are willing to play along with him. It could only be followed by Robin's weather and it is.

See you for all that and more, at 6.

Alastair & Katie