Now then. His dad's a notorious rabble rousing Muslim cleric, challenging convictions for incitement to murder and race hate offences. He himself was jailed for a terrorist offence in Yemen, plotting to bomb targets in the US and the UK. And yet he manages to get a job on the London Underground. He doesn't work there anymore... But now Mayor Livingstone has waded in with both size 10's, saying that he doesn't have a problem with this young man working for London Underground, as he doesn't actually have a criminal record in Britain. We speak to one woman who lost her sister on July 7th ... And she is extremely upset by the Mayor's comments. We'd like your views on that one too.
We've day one of the trial of 2 teenagers charged with killing young lawyer Tom ap Rhys Price just yards from his home earlier this year, stabbed at Kensal Rise tube station.
We've reports of a really serious health warning on a new shock horror flick out this week: Saw III .. Not my favourite kind of movie I must confess .. And it seems I'm not alone. The London Ambulence Service have already had so many call-outs from people who've either fainted or felt queasy during the film that they're telling people not to go if they're faint hearted. Is this a case of any publicity is good publicity?
We're at the footy as Chelsea take on Barcelona, and with Angels the costumiers on their busiest night of the year... Pumpkin suit, anyone?!
And then for a touch of showbiz, we're live on the red carpet at TV's oscars, the National TV awards.. Hosted by Sir Trev, attended by a galaxy of your favourite telly stars. Gorgeous.
See you at 6!