Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.




Hope you all had a lovely, relaxing weekend with plenty of DIY for those who love it, and not a paint-brush in sight for those who don't. (It's okay to admit it.)

Now, this evening's programme and we start with the most appalling story. Last Christmas, Billy Gregory was murdered in a Woolwich pub - today his killer was jailed for life. For Billy's family though, the fight for justice goes on because his brother, Terry, was ALSO murdered... Christmas time 2002. Ronke Phillips has been speaking to their family.

Marcus Powell, meanwhile, has the latest on hundreds of families' battle over Buncefield. The oil depot blaze in December last year forced them out of their homes and, they say, hit them hard in the pocket. What they want is the company that owns the plant to admit liability. It could be a long journey and it began in the High Court today.

A rather quicker journey, come 2012, will be the train-trip from St Pancras to the East End or, more precisely, London's Olympic village. All thanks to the 'Javelin' a new train that, ahem, SHOULD be up and running then. It's not been built yet so Simon Harris has been playing with models.

Glen Goodman, though, went to the zoo. Bless. And while he was there he took a look at a young bird (steady...) that's rather lucky to be here. The Socorro dove died out in the wild back in 1974, but London Zoo is hoping the new addition will father a whole new generation.

We'll also have news on London's house prices (good for home-owners, bad for buyers - again)... Jon Gilbert's take on a film premiere with a difference... Tamzin Sylvester's at the 'Q' music awards... and Chrissie has the weather.

Why on earth would you be watching anything else.

See you at SIX... (or indeed SEVEN, if you forgot to put your clocks back)

Ben & Katie