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This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.


London Tonight Tonight Tuesday 19th February

London Tonight Tonight Tuesday 19th February

Afternoon everyone,

Just been chatting with one of our highly esteemed colleagues on the ITV National news team - winner of numerous awards who's worked on many of the biggest stories that have changed our world, both in Britain and abroad. Well, he's shaved his moustache off. Had it there, nestling on his top lip, for over 30 years and he's just got rid. All sorts of reasons apparently - one of which was his beloved asking him to lose it. Would you believe then that for 15 minutes afterwards - chatting etc round the family home - she didn't even notice? Not that we're pointing any fingers - we all do it - look at things without really seeing them. Think I might grow a little beard for this evening's programme and see if the editor notices.

No doubt she'll be too wrapped up in our programme which, tonight, my friends is full to bursting.

You know how we all bang on about 'the youth of today' and how they're drinking too much. Well, tonight we have some pictures to prove it, with the results of a survey which suggest our pictures aren't a one-off - in London at least. And I've been talking to one of THE experts who can warn some of our younger viewers about what could be happening to their livers.

We'll also have another, very different, warning for you. Your local post office may be about to close. The bosses have announced that one in five in the London area is going to shut. So, that'll be convenient when you want to renew your car-tax then...  As well as our report, there'll be a full list of those 'in danger' on www.itvlocal.com/london.

And we've another story to get your blood boiling. Cyclists -  always going through red lights aren't they? Straight across zebra crossings. Mounting pavements.
Well, now some of our two-wheeled warriors have the video evidence which shows THEY'RE not always treated with the greatest care and attention on the roads either.

After all that, Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman should also be joining us live from Leicester Square and Ned Boulting will be pitch side in Athens ahead of Chelsea's Champions' League.


See you at six.

Ben and Katie