Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.



Hello. It's Stuart, Editor of London Tonight writing tonight's email - and I'm going to start with an apology.
Our technology has been letting us down recently - and this email hasn't always reached your inbox in the last couple of weeks. It's not that we've not bothered to write it - it's always been crafted - just not always delivered. The experts have fixed the problem, and I'm hoping that our normal, reliable service has now been resumed.
So - to tonight's programme. Yesterday we led off with the story of the Polish care nurse, caught in the crossfire in New Cross. This evening - we return to the scene for more reaction and the latest on the investigation. Sadly, it's just one of three elements of our programme that will focus on gun crime tonight. We'll also talk to the family of the hero bouncer shot outside a bar in July. The sub machine gun used hasn't been seen in Britain before - it's often used in drive-by's in places like L.A. We'll also follow the latest in the Peter Woodhams case, and the investigation into what his family say the police didn't do when he was the victim of crime before he was murdered.
After all that - the colleges that aren't really colleges. We were there as police raided a college today - the detectives are looking for places that aren't really educational establishments - they're just ways to get visas for people to stay in the UK. Jon Gilbert tells that story.
We're at Great Ormond Street Hospital who announce their biggest single donation EVER. Find out how much, from who - and what it will build at six.
Plus Jamie Foxx - yes he who played Ray and got an Oscar for it - on his latest movie. Unlike Michelle Pfieffer (who was late last night) we hope Jamie will join us on the red carpet tonight. Only this evening it's Steve, as Tamzin's now left to await the patter of tiny feet.
So there we are - Thursday's London Tonight is live from Studio 4 at six. We'll have all that - and anything that happens between now and then too.
Thanks for reading - and before I go a couple of reminders. Firstly, if you miss it on ITV1 - you can watch the programme later at http://www.itvlocal.com/london . And don't forget we're always looking for your stories. If you've a general news story you think we should cover then email it to londontonight@itvlondon.com - if it's a consumer problem then drop us the details to onyourside@itvlondon.com and we'll see what we can do.
Bye for now