Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.


London Tonight Tonight Tuesday 15th May

Hello and good afternoon.
I have a cold which, as my friends here and my entire family will tell you, is more of a drag for them than me. But I struggle on, manfully.
As does Faye, our producer, (though womanfully, to be politically correct and genetically accurate) whose acquisition of two, beautiful kittens was mentioned in last week's LONDON TONIGHT TONIGHT. One of them is poorly and has to go the vet tonight: she is in our prayers - though, I must say, the kitten attracted considerably more sympathy at our planning meeting than I did.
Out of our prayers, for the best possible reason, is Roxy the kidnapped Alsatian who was being trained as a guide dog for a delightful Asian gran' when she went missing. But there is a twist you'll want to know about... Kate will unleash it at 6.

Dunsfold is a modest airfield in Surrey which keeps its potentially enormous fame very quiet.
Let me just say Casino Royale, Top Gear, Harrier jump-jets and you'll get my drift. So a helicopter with a purpose, you'd have thought, would be no problem. Wrong. Who wants a do-gooding chopper grounded and why? All will be revealed by Phil.

Simon Harris has a private pilot's licence and owns a small, light-aircraft. He is currently in New York with the Mayor to explore green issues. He did not fly his light aircraft across the Pond to reduce his carbon footprint, but he has found out the very latest on what the Great Cities of the World think they can do to Save the Planet. Is the sky the limit for Ken? "Fly Simon" tonight and find out.

What have Michael "something of the night" Howard QC MP and Ashley "So Solid Crew" Walters got in common? They both think prison works. Asher's in the studio to cast light on this curious coincidence and to talk about his documentary.

Steve is looking for more great acts for 'Unsigned' and Westminster Council is looking for more white foster parents: unconnected, I know, but both life changing if you think about it.
See you at six.

Alastair (and Katie)