So our thoughts turn to pressies, puddings and decorations: 'tis the season of goodwill.
And we have the tale of great, goodwill: superstar George Michael, who hasn't had the easiest of years, is leading the way with a FREE concert for NHS registered nurses at the Roundhouse tonight. It keeps a promise he made when his dear old mum died, nearly a decade ago, to say "thanks" to nurses, some of whom had been wonderful in his mother's hours of need. Good on you George! Jon Gilbert is the man with the Access all Areas pass.....
Less festive and positively Scrooge like are the goings on in Greenwich: residents of the Ferrier Estate have been told their's is a prime site for massive redevelopment with hundreds of new homes and a glistening and glorious future. Only problem is that those EXISTING residents have only been offered the market price for the properties which they bought when they were Council houses under the old Right to Buy scheme. And it is a take it or leave it scenario. Unhappy bunnies all round: Liz has been taking a look.
Also, entirely the wrong sort of decorations have been troubling British Transport Police: graffiti merchants cause what the owners call damage to their trains and stations while some, and only some, say their work adds to the colour and texture of city life. But, strictly speaking, it is of course wrong and rubs railway and tube companies up the wrong way.
What is to be done? Nick Thatcher poses the questions.
A feast of footy fixtures and a relish of results for you, plus another invitation to give up your old cell' 'phones and help the National Missing Persons Helpline this Christmas.
160 gay men will be singing Christmas Carols for Chrissie who will then attempt to regain her composure and tell you when the fog will left. (there used to be a joke about the F in fog... But I can't quite remember it)
Finally, a cryptic end to the second trial of the youngster who has admitted killing Kiyan Prince but denied his murder. Can't say much for legal reasons but what we can say is fascinating.
Tune in for that and much more at 6.
Tamzin and I look forward to your company.