The more observant among you may have seen that at the end of the programme we used to bring up a little caption that said "Programme Of The Year". Last month we replaced it with the address of this website.
Why? Well - I always like to take that label off of our programme when the annual RTS award ceremony is close. It's all about tempting fate.
Well, the 2006 awards were last night. Thirteen of us got all dressed up (which was interesting as we had a table for twelve). And my, what a night we had. ITV London took home seven of the ten awards.
For us - the big two are the "News Story of the Year" and "Programme of the Year" awards. We knew we'd win "News Story Of the Year" - as we had all three nominations on the shortlist. We were delighted that our coverage of the Heathrow terror plot took that prize.
Then - the big one. Programme of the Year. The nominations were two for London Tonight and one for BBC London. They played the clips. They opened the envelope. And before I knew it we were up on stage picking up the award.
So when you see the title "Programme of the Year" at the end our broadcast tonight, you'll know why it's back.
Thanks for watching - we all work very hard every day to produce a programme that we hope you will want to watch.
Editor, London Tonight