Right ho.
We've just heard the Kiyan Prince murder trial jury's gone home again, so another day of waiting for his family.
Meanwhile though, the shocking tale of a young student who drank a bottle of water after a party.. not knowing it had been spiked with liquid ecstacy, the date rape drug. It didn't just drug her.. it killed her. Ben's been investigating.
We're at the Arsenal... at the new Emirates stadium to be precise, where they were expecting the Queen today to open it officially. Sadly she couldn't go, as she'd pulled a muscle in her back, so send Philip instead. We are wondering if they'd already engraved the plaque.. ?!
A story that could be the nanny state gone mad.. or a caring employer. One council has banned people from smoking in their own homes, if a member of the council staff, like someone delivering meals on wheels for example, is visiting. What do you think? Your comments please.
We're in Paris for the launch of the Tour de France.. Why? Because next year it actually starts in London, which is going to be an amazing spectacle .. and a good dry run for the Olympics, too.
We're also talking to Russell Crowe about his new film. And it couldn't be more different to Gladiator if it tried...
So all that, plus the papers and the weather, at 6. See you then!
Katie and Alastair.