Welcome to London Tonight Tonight.

This is the official website of London Tonight, on ITV1 in London and the South East every weeknight at 6pm.




Our top story tonight it shocking. You remember that awful crane collapse a couple of weeks ago in Battersea? We talk to the mother of one of the men killed in the accident. Because the scene of the incident was so dangerous, her poor son's body wasn't recovered for five days. FIVE DAYS. She is, understandably, and on many levels, very upset. She talks to Phil Bayles.
In fact, do you know how many people have been killed on building sites in the last five years? Over 500. It's an enormous figure, isn't it? For the first time, there is a memorial to them. It's being unveiled today, and we'll be there.

I'm afraid we've another horror story for you too .. the young pregnant woman from High Wycombe who was, allegedly, thrown off a balcony while on holiday in Crete. She landed on railings below .. and is still extremely ill. Ronke has the full, appalling story.

We've an intriguing tale of one way to live cheaply in London that none of us here in the office had heard of before. It's kind of legal squatting.. for a peppercorn rent .. and its all official. Did you know that buildings like the old Manchester Square fire station now have ordinary folk living in them? No, neither did we. Apparently it's more effective than having lots of security men patrolling..

Simon Harris has been talking to some of the 200 businesses that are being forced to make way for the 2012 Olympics; Ben Scotchbrook's been laughing at the fabulous exhibition of famous Sun newspaper frontpages.. Tamzin's been to meet Mr Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher (apparently he didn't like the rain, poor love) .. And we've the story of the miniature pony found roaming free on Wood Green High Road. No, really.

See you for all of that at 6.

Katie and Al.

ps - if you've taken any pictures of today's storms - then email them to us at londontonight@itvlondon.com